Nikos Fakotakis

WCL Director, 2004-2018

Professor Emeritus

Artificial Intelligence Group

Wire Communications Laboratory
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.

University of Patras



Prof. Nikos Fakotakis received the B.Sc. degree from the University of London (UK) in Electronics Engineering in 1978, the M.Sc. degree in Electronics from the University of Wales (UK) in 1980, and the Ph.D. degree in Speech Processing from the University of Patras (UoP), (Greece) in 1986. From 1986 to 1992, he was lecturer in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department of the UoP, from 1992 to 1999 Assistant Professor, from 2000 to 2003, he has been Associate Professor, and from 2003 to 2018, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Speech Processing. Since 2018, he is Emeritus Professor in the University of Patras.

Prof. Fakotakis holds the post of Director of the Communication and Information Technology (ICT) Division of the ECE Dept. (2005-2017), Deputy President of ECE Dept., University of Patras (2013-2016), Director of the Wire Communications and Information Technology Laboratory (2004-2018), and since 2004 Head of the Artificial Intelligence Group.

Prof. Fakotakis was coordinator and principal investigator of more than 40 European and Greek Research and Development Projects, including LIFE+ AMIBIO which was awarded as best-of-the-best EC LIFE+ project in 2013. He has published over 400 scientific publications in internationally recognized journals and conferences, which have been cited more than 6,000 times, having h-index=37, (according to Google scholar In addition, he has successfully supervised more than 20 Ph.D. students, with almost all of them holding academic positions in Greek and European Universities.

Prof. Fakotakis has been reviewer of many scientific journals, conferences, and grant applications. He has been invited speaker and participated in the organization committee of many international conferences, as Chairman, Co-Chairman, or member.

Prof. Fakotakis has been Chairman of the Scientific Board of Engineers of Greece (2013-2017). Member of the Executive Board of the Research Center of Artificial Intelligence, (UoP 1997-2002). Vice President of the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (1998-2006). A Member of the Executive and Foundation Board of ELSNET (European Language and Speech Network of Excellence), and Editor-in-Chief of the “European Student Journal on Language and Speech” WEB-SLS (1997-2006). He is also a member of IEEE, TEE, EURASIP, and ESCA.|


1978, University of London (UK), B.Sc. in Electronics

1980, University of Wales (UK), M.Sc. in Electronics

1986, University of Patras (Greece), Ph.D. degree in Speech Processing


Research Interests:

  • Artificial Intelligence, (ΤΝΝ, Machine Learning, data and text mining, intelligent information retrieval, natural language processing etc.
  • Digital Signal Processing, (Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks, HMM, etc.)
  • Speech Processing (Speaker Recognition, Speech Recognition/Understanding, Coding etc.)
  • Computer Vision, Image and Video Processing, Optical Character recognition (OCR), Facial Features Detection, Object Recognition, Object Tracking.
  • Human Computer Interaction.


Teaching Interests:

Supervisions of PhD Dissertations:

  1. “Techniques of Automatic Morpho – Syntactic Analysis of Modern Greek language”, June 1997, (Kyriakos Sgarbas).
  2. “Computational Syntactic Processing of texts of Modern Greek Language based on empirical methods”, June 1997, (Stefanos Michos).
  3. “Author recognition based on style”, April 2000, (Efstathios. Stamatatos).
  4. “Optical Character Recognition based on artificial Neural Networks”, November 2000, (Ergina Kavallieratou).
  5. “Optical Character Recognition based on hidden models of Markov”. March 2001, (Nikos Liolios).
  6. “Speech enhancement in the context of automatic speech recognition”, March 2001, (Ilias Potamitis).
  7. “Speech Recognition based on syllable spotting”, October 2002, (Giannis Sirigos).
  8. “Language and dialog modeling for human – machine interaction systems through speech”, October 2002, (Kallirroi Georgila).
  9. “Automatic extraction of semantic knowledge from text corpora”, March 2004, (Aris Thanopoulos).
  10. “Automatic Learning of Syntactic Dependencies and Grammar Development for Modern Greek”, March 2004, (Katia L. Kermanidis).
  11. “A Bayesian Network Model for Information Retrieval from Greek Text”, Dec. 2004, (Manolis. Maragoudakis).
  12. “Speaker Recognition”, November 2005, (Todor Ganchev).
  13. “Prosodic Modelling and Boundary Prediction for Greek Speech Synthesis”, February 2007, (Panagiotis Zervas).
  14. “Automatic Segmentation of Digital Speech Signals and Application of Speech Synthesis, Speech Recognition and Language Recognition”, July 2009, (Iosif Mporas).
  15. “Digital Signal Processing and Automatic Categorization of environmental Sounds”, April 2010, (Stavros Ntalambiras).
  16. “Speech and Speaker Recognition Using Wavelets”, May 2010, (Michael Siafarikas).
  17. “Prosody Modeling Using Machine Learning Techniques for Neutral and Emotional Speech Synthesis”, February 2011, (Alexandros Lazaridis).
  18. “Emotion Recognition from Speech Using Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning Techniques”, February 2012, (Theodoros Kostoulas).
  19. “Precise Localization and Tracking of Eye Centres, in Human Computer Interaction”, June 2016, (Evaggelos Skodras).
  20. “Computational geometry and signal processing of 3D objects”, (in progress), (Gerasimos Arvanitis).
  21. “Learning and Decision Support Systems under unfavorable environments”, (in progress), (Ilias Kotinas).


Electrical and Computer Engineering


22Υ105 Digital Logic

ECEY324 Digital Logic Circuits & Systems

22Υ404 Digital Logic Design

22Α707 Artificial Intelligence

ECE_AK810 Speech & Natural Lang. Processing

R&D Projects


  1. (ESPRIT-860): “Linguistic Analysis of the European Languages” (1986-1989). Study and modeling of the Greek language and the transformation of written text to spoken language and the reverse.
  2. BECOS (EURECA EU-385): “A Natural Language Front-End to Databases with Speech Facilities”, (1991-1995). Development of a natural language front-end for databases, in several European languages using both text and voice as input stream.
  3. POLYGLOT (ESPRIT II-2104): “A Multilanguage Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech System”, (1989-1993). Design and Development of a large Vocabulary Isolated-Word Recognition system (IWSR), Text-to-Speech Synthesis, Continuous Speech Recognition.
  4. LOGOS (STRIDE 15): “Development of the Language and Speech industry”, (1991-1994). Development of the infrastructure for the language industry in Greece through the creation of data bases, execution of a number of statistical and phonetic studies and development of a number of hardware and software methodologies.
  5. TRANSLEARN (LRE, 61-016): “Interactive Corpus-based Translation Drafting Tool”, (1993-1995). Development of an interactive corpus-based translation drafting tool, that will relieve the translator from repetitive part of the work, enhance the quality of the output and the productivity of the human translator.
  6. RIWORD (ESPRIT 5677): “Robust Isolated Word Recognition of Distinct Utterances”, (1991-1993): Development of a robust, speaker independent, small vocabulary, isolated word recognizer over telephone lines.
  7. GRAMCHECK (MLAP 11): “A Grammatical and Style Checker”, (1994-1995). Development of an integrated tool for grammatical and stylistic analysis of multilingual documents.
  8. LEXICON (COLLINS) (1993-1995): Design and Development of an English-Greek, Greek-English Electronic dictionary using 20,000,000-word Corpus
  9. NOW: “Lexicography using Computer” (1993-1995). A Training Program in Lexicography using Computers.
  10. TRANSLIB (LIB-3038): “Advanced Tools for Accessing Multilingual Library Catalogues”, (1995-1997). Development of a front-end tool for library automation systems, that enables the language transparent search, access and presentation of multilingual bibliographic catalogues.
  11. ACCeSS (LE-1 1802): “Automated Call Center through Speech Understanding System”, (1996-1999). ACCeSS concerns the development of an automated telephone center for the insurance industry utilizing speech recognition, speech understanding and script understanding techniques.
  12. VASME (TRANSPORT PL-00010): “Value Added Services for Maritime Environment”, (1996-1998) Development of an automatic information system to be used by vessels approaching to harbors or Vessel Traffic Systems (VTS), supporting among others speech recognition and synthesis functionalities.
  13. DIALOGOS (EPET II): “Improvement of Man-Machine Communication Using Linguistic Technologies”, (1995-1998)

    1. Part I: Development of a Telebanking system, over the public telephone network, utilizing speech recognition and understanding as well as speaker verification techniques.
    2. Part II: Development of an automated letter creation system for business correspondence utilizing speech recognition and natural language processing techniques.
  14. SPEECHDAT (LE-2 4001): “Speech Databases for the Creation of Voice Driven Teleservices”, (1996-1999). A coordinated effort for the development of large Speech databases (5000 speakers) in all European Languages. (11 languages, 17 dialects).
  15. COST (EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH) 249: “Continuous Speech Recognition over the Telephone”, (1995-2000).
  16. COST (EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH) 250: “Speaker Recognition in Telephony” (1995-2000
  17. IDAS (LE-8315): “Interactive, Telephone-based, Directory Assistance Services”, (1998-2000). Development of Directory Assistance Services over Public Telephonic Networks”.
  18. SPEECHDAT-CAR (LE-8334): “Speech Data Basis for Voice Driven Teleservices and Control in Automotive Environments”, (1998-2000).
  19. SpeechDat-CAR aims to create language resources for the development of voice operated services for in-vehicle applications in 9 languages.
  20. MITOS (ΕΠΕΤ ΙΙ): “A System to Retrieve and Mine Information – Application in Financial News” (1999-2001)
  21. ΔΗΛΟΣ (98ΓΤ12): “Bilingual Electronic Dictionary of Economic Terms with Reference to Corpora”(1999-2001).
  22. ΔΕΙΚΤΗΣ (98ΤΤ24): “Dialogical Extraction of Information from medical text-corpora of Remote – Control Electrical Systems”, (1999-2001).
  23. ΙΑΝΟΣ (98ΓΤ46): “A Two-Level System for Automatic Morphological Analysis of the Greek Language». (1999-2001).
  24. ΥΠΕΡ (99ΥΠ66): Development of a Reliable Continuous Speech Recognition System with the use of hidden models of Markov and Neural Networks”(1999-2002)
  25. Software Usability (ΕΠΕΤ ΙΙ-00): «Human Network of dispersion of Scientific and Technological Knowledge», (2000-2002).
  26. Artificial Intelligence (ΕΠΕΤ ΙΙ-00): «Human Network of dispersion of Scientific and Technological Knowledge», (2000-2002).
  27. COST (EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH) 278: “Spoken Language Interaction in Telecommunication”, (2001-2003).
  28. OrienTel (IST-2000-28373): “Multilingual Access to Interactive Communication Services for the Mediterranean and Middle East”, (2000-2004).
  29. ORASIS (OOBE 435): “Automatic Recognition of hand-written Documents – Questionnaires”, (2001-2003).
  30. E2M (IST-2000-30167): “From e-services to mobile services”, (2001-2003).
  31. GEMINI (IST-2001-32343): “Generic Environment for Multilingual Interactive Natural Interfaces”, (2002-2004).
  32. INSPIRE (IST-2001-32746): “Infotainment Management with speech Interaction via Remote-Microphones and Telephone Interfaces”, (2002-2004).
  33. MoveON (IST-2005-034753): “Multi-modal and multi-sensor zero-distraction interaction interface for two-wheel vehicles ON the move”, (2006-2009).
  34. PlayMancer (Grand Agreement Number 215839): “A European Serious Gaming 3D Environment, (2007-2010).
  35. Prometheus ‘Prediction and interpretation of human behaviour based on probabilistic sTructures and HEterogeneoUs Sencors”, (2007-2010).
  36. Amibio (Life+08NAT/GR/539: “Automatic acoustic Monitoring and Inventorying of BIOdiversity”, (2010-2013). Was awarded as best-of-the-best, EC LIFE+ project.
  37. Software Usability (EPET ΙΙ-00): “Human Network for Knowledge Dissemination “, (2000-2002).
  38. Artificial Intelligence (ΕΠΕΤ ΙΙ-00): “Human Network for Knowledge Dissemination” (2000-2002).
  39. TECHNOISIS: Artificial Intelligence and Applications (InterUniversity R&D Networks, 2009- )
  40. MOMIRAS – (GRST), “Mobile Mixed Reality System, (2014-2017)
  41. FrailSafe: Sensing and predictive treatment of frailty and associated co-morbidities using advanced personalized models and advanced interventions, H2020- RIA
  42. myAirCoach: Analysis, modelling and sensing of both physiological and environmental factors for the customized and predictive self-management of Asthma, H2020-RIA
  43. OACTIVE: Advanced personalized, multi-scale computer models preventing OsteoArthritis, H2020-RIA.
  44. SmartWork:


Member of Scientific Companies:

  • Member of the Executive Board and the Foundation Board of ELSNET (European Language and Speech Network of Excellence) (1997-2007)
  • Member of the Executive Board of RCAIUP (Research Center of Artificial Intelligence, University of Patras) (1997 – 2002)
  • Vice President of the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (No 39) (1998 – 2006).
  • Member of Technical Chamber of Greece (No 82956).
  • Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (No. 4727756).
  • Member of European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) (No. 773)
  • Member of European Speech Communication Association (ESCA) (No. 1036).

Participation in the Organization of Academic Conferences:

  • Co-Chair of the EUROSPEECH’97 (5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology), Sept. 22-25, 1997.
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of “Speech Technology in the Public Telephone Network”: Where are we today?”, organized by COST Telecom Actions 249, 250 and 258, Sept.26-27, 1997.
  • Member of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the conference “ELSNET in Wonderland” Soesterberg, The Netherlands, March 25-27, 1998
  • Co-Chair of the Workshop and Summer School “Advanced Course on AI ‘99” (ACAI ’99) ECCAI, July 1999.
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of EUROSPEECH’99, (6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology), Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 5-10, 1999.
  • Co-Chair of the Workshop “Machine Learning in Human Language Technology”, July 1999.
  • Co-Chair of COMLEX 2000 (International Conference on Computational Lexicography and Multimedia Dictionaries), Sept. 22-23, 2000.
  • Co-Chair of PC-HCI 2001 (International Conference on Human Computer Interaction), Dec. 7-9, 2001.
  • General Chair of SPECOM 2005 (International Conference Speech and Computer), Oct. 17-19, 2005.
  • Co-Chair of the ECAI 2008 (European Conference on Artificial Intelligence), July 21-25, 2008.
  • General Chair of SPECOM 2015 (International Conference Speech and Computer), Sept. 20-24, 2015.
  • Co-Chair of the SETN 2018 (10th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence), Patras Greece.

Other Distinctions and Activities:

  • Editor-in-Chief of the electronic journal “The European Student Journal on Language and Speech”, published in Scotland under the auspices of ISCA (International Speech Communication Association), EACL (European Association for Computational Linguistics) and ELSNET (European Language and Speech Network) (1998 – 2007).
  • Member of the Telematics Management Panel within the framework of the planning of the fourth programme (1994-1998). (Brussels 1993/94).
  • Reviewer of large number of scientific journals, conferences, and grant proposals.


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Contact Details


+30 2610 996496

Wire Communications Laboratory

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Patras

GR – 26 500, Rion, Patras, Greece